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12 June 2008



Well that is sad. Who was Dewey? The same guy from the library system?


I remember crossing that bridge in our family's station wagon when I was a very little kid. Oh how it rattled! and I remember my parents telling stories from their childhoods of harrowing crossings on that and other similarly narrow, old bridges throughout southern Utah and Arizona. I suppose that few of those old bridges are left. -- It's a much bigger and sturdier bridge, of course, and was never quite so suspenseful to cross as the Dewey Bridge -- but I still stop and walk out on the old Navajo Bridge at Marble Canyon every time I go through that way, remembering childhood crossings and the rumbling sway of passing semis. My grandparents remember crossing there on the ferry.


Clare--I haven't been able to find the source for the name Dewey on the bridge or the nearby, former 'town.'

Ford--thanks for those memories. I wonder about the old ferry--I will search sometime for photographs of it. It makes me wonder about the existence and persistence of some river ferries used in my childhood.

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